Hungary VPN Service List

8 Hungary VPN Providers

Provider Rating monthly 6 months 12 months States Server IPs Trial Payment Clients Log Files Encryption Support Protocols Filesharing Visit Provider
IPVanish Details $ 10,00 $ 53,98 $ 77,99 51 115 14000 Tiada Paypal, Kad Kredit and more Mac OS, Windows, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android Tiada OpenSSL perpustakaan (OpenVPN), MPPE (PPTP), RFC 4835 (L2TP) Live Chat, Sokongan Tiket, Sokongan E-mel Perpustakaan OpenSSL, PPTP, L2TP Dibenarkan Visit Provider Write a Review
PureVPN Details $ 9,95 $ 44,95 $ 49,95 36 300 40000 Tiada Paypal, Kad Kredit, Moneybookers, AlertPay, WebMoney, Bitcoin, Plimus, MercadoPago, MyCard, Indomog and more Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android Ya 128 bit Live Chat, Sokongan Tiket, Sokongan E-mel PPTP, OpenVPN, IKEv2, L2TP, IPSec, SSTP sebahagiannya (di Turki, Sweden, Romania, Luxembourg, Belanda, Jerman (hanya DE1), Rusia, Ireland) Visit Provider Write a Review
VersaVPN Details $ 5,00 $ 25,98 $ 50,04 18 80 tidak diketahui 5 Hari wang kembali Kad Kredit, Payza, Bitcoin and more Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android Tiada 128/256-bit AES, 3DES Sokongan telefon, sokongan e-mel, live chat, Twitter OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec Dibenarkan Visit Provider Write a Review
ExpressVPN Details $ 12,95 $ 59,95 $ 99,95 79 100 10000 30 Hari Wang Dikembalikan Kad Kredit, Paypal, Bitcoin and more Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad Ya 128/256-bit Sokongan E-mel, Live Chat OpenVPN, L2TP, IPSec, SSTP, PPTP Dibenarkan Visit Provider Write a Review
SlickVPN Details $ 5,00 $ 20,00 $ 28,99 39 120 tidak diketahui 30 Hari Wang Dikembalikan Paypal, Kad Kredit, Bitcoin and more Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, Telefon Windows Ya 128/256-bit Hubungi, sokongan telefon, mel, faks OpenVPN, PPTP, IPSec Tidak diketahui Visit Provider Write a Review
Ghostpath Details $ 10,00 $ 60,00 $ 75,00 39 137 tidak diketahui 7 hari pulangan wang Kad Kredit, Tunai and more Windows, Mac OS, iPhone, iPad, Android Ya TLS / SSL Live Chat, Hubungi, Sokongan Telefon, Facebook, Twitter PPTP, L2TP, OpenVPN Tiada Visit Provider Write a Review
VPN4all Details $ 16,95 $ 81,00 $ 141,96 39 500 10000 30 hari pulangan wang (100MB) Kad Kredit, Paypal, Alertpay and more Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone Tiada 256-bit AES / 2096-bit RSA Sokongan Tiket, Live Chat OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec sebahagiannya (di Sweden, Rusia, Panama, Jerman) Visit Provider Write a Review
UsaIP Details $ 7,99 $ 47,94 $ 75,00 19 35 tidak diketahui Jaminan pulangan wang Kad Kredit, Paypal, Kredit, Alertpay and more Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android Ya "Sehingga" 2048 bit Sokongan telefon, sokongan e-mel, ICQ, Yahoo! dan Wlife OpenVPN, PPTP, SSTP, L2TP sebahagiannya (di Rusia, Luxembourg, Republik Czech) Visit Provider Write a Review